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English Zoos failing

The English Zoo phenomena, where foreigners are locked behind bars and pocked at with sticks and Korean children are charged admission is changing. The English Zoos, more commonly known as English villages are failing. There have been a rash of them opening across the country which are supposed to ease the stress of going overseas to learn English. The idea is that students will spend a day or two in an English only environment and will magically speak the language properly. Educationally questionable, but when there is a bandwagon to jump on, Koreans like to jump. In fact, Korea has become a hub of bandwagon jumping.

The English villages are losing money as less children are visiting. The reasons are compounded by the slower economy, and the government’s push to get monkeys foreigners in every school. I, for one, will be sad to see English villages close, because if it weren’t for the English Village phenomena, we’d never have had the EV boys