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Open Lectures at Gyeongju University

From a member who works at GU: Dear Ulsan Online Community Gyeongju University has put together a semester of open lectures running from May 13th till June 19th. All are welcome to attend the currently small selection of open lectures as the program is in its infancy stages with hopes for future development. Please take a look at the promotinal video:

 The lecture schedule is listed below. Please contact Jacek Glowacki if you have any questions.

Gyeongju University proudly presents the Open English Lectures 경주대학교 열린 강의 시리즈 Lecture time: 6.15 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. Venue: Lecture Theatre 2B01, Gyeongju University Refreshments: Tea and coffee All lectures will last approximately 45 minutes. Lectures will be followed by fifteen minutes’ Q&A.

Guest speaker, date, title / Topic:


Prof. Steve Hoag, on Tuesday, 20th May Tips for Travelling in Countries Where English Is Spoken (영어권 국가 여행을 위한 팁)

Dr. Phamho Pham, on Wednesday, 21stMay An Introduction to Vietnamese Culture (베트남 문화 소개)

Dr. Awele Oguejiofor, on Thursday, 22ndMay Nigerian Culture, Society and Politics: A Comprehensive Introduction (나이지리아의 문화, 사회, 정치: 종합 안내)

Dr. Subedi Thakur on Monday, 26th May Invitation to Explore Nepalese Culture (네팔 문화로의 초대)

Dr. Althea Truman on Tuesday, 27th May Appreciating Guyana – A Unique Country in South America (가이아나-남아메리카의 흥미로운 국가)

Jacob Lotinga, on Wednesday, 28th May China’s Minority Cultures (Naxi, Bai, Miao, Buyi, Qiang and Yi) (중국의 소수민족 문화: 나시족, 바이족, 먀오족, 부이족, 치앙족, 이족을 중심으로)

Prof. Eguelson Legagneur (MA TESOL), on Thursday, 29th May Haiti’s Culture and Society (아이티의 문화와 사회)


Dr. Elizabeth Cohen, on Tuesday, 3rd June Yoga Lessons Learned in an Indian Ashram (아쉬람에서 배운 요가)

Dr. Rahul Raj on Wednesday, 4thJune Introducing India (인도 소개)

Prof. Michael Drummond (MA) on Thursday, 5th June Secrets of Early Buddhism (초기 불교의 신비)

Prof. Andy Crown (MA) on Monday, 9th June Readings of Poetry and Fiction (시 * 소설 강독)

Prof. Lee Klinger (MA) on Tuesday, 10th June Korean Art and My Experience (한국 미술과 나의 경험)

Dr. Miles White, on Wednesday, 11thJune Flash Fiction: Readings and Discussion (플래시 픽션 강독)

Prof. Jeff Lane on Thursday, 12th June The Fantastic Realists (Western Art) (환상적인 현실 주의자: 서양 미술)

Prof. Sandra Carter (MA) on Tuesday, 17th June How to Reach Every Student (모든 학생을 포용하는 수업 방안)

Prof. Bob Steaves (MA), Wednesday, 18thJune Use of Drama in Learning English (드라마를 활용한 영어교육)

Dr. Han Sang-ho on Thursday, 19th June Teaching Unplugged and the Beginner’s Mind (초심으로 다가서는 얽매임 없는 교수법)