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Where Can I Buy…

Those of us who have been here in Ulsan or Korea for a while get asked this question all the time “Where can I get ___?”

I personally don’t mind answering those questions. In fact, I rather like being treated like I actually have some value, which these days is far less than I get from either my hagwon or my students. However, since people come and go frequently here, not everyone has had the great honor (tongue solidly stuck in cheek) of knowing me and therefore cannot ask me the question that consumes their every waking hour and quite frequently keeps them awake at night.  No longer, dear reader, shall you anguish in ignorance of how to survive in our new home in Sparkling Korea without your favorite ___, whatever that may be.

Announcing the all new, super fancy, tricked-out and  incredibly useful UlsanOnline “Where Can I Buy…” page.

There are many places already loaded, such as where to buy English-language books, find an English speaking vet or an English speaking acupuncturist, find some 2nd hand goods, computer gear, oatmeal, taco shells, etc.  Try it yourself and see if you can find something you need.

I hope to continue the osmosis process of taking the knowledge from the many years I’ve spent here and throwing that into the database. So if you don’t find what you want, check back often. It might be there soon.

But wait! That’s not all. Try it now and we’ll throw in 10 Ginsu Knives! OK, so no knives, but you do get the chance to demonstrate your own sparkling prowess in finding those hard-to-find goodies here in K-Land. I’ve made it super-duper easy to tell others about those places to buy. It’s the all new,  super fancy, tricked-out and  incredibly studly “Where can I buy…I know I know!!” page. Yes, you too can now be vastly rich and famous by sharing all that stored up knowledge of where to get stuff in Korea. OK, so maybe not rich, but we promise you’ll get your 15 minutes of fame.

So go ahead, tell us all about that special place in Ulsan that gives you happy endings. Or how about that video store in your neighborhood? The video stores in my neighborhood all dried up and blew away – but not everyone wants to be a movie pirate like me.  Or maybe you know of a store that sells clothes for big boys and girls? God knows I could use that being a 95% percentile sized dude, so ‘fess up. How about a print shop that can make T-shirts or banners. Someone is always needing that done.  Know of a grocer who has western food that the local Hanaro Mart never carries? Tell us. The more places in the “Where can I buy…” database, the easier it will be for all of us live in this land.

I’ve put the Where Can I Buy search page within easy reach for the future – right on the sidebar menu under “Leisure and Culture.”

I hope you’ll help your fellow Ulsanites Ulsanions Ulsanis screw it – Inhabitants of Ulsan and add what shopping knowledge you have to this database.

For anyone interested in the technical details, I built this little tool with AJAX, (asynchronous Javascript and XML)  a methodology that is a combination of HTML, Javascript, and PHP with a backend XML database. It’s the same technology I used to create the “Bus By Destination” and “Bus by Number” pages, both of which rank 3rd and 4th respectively in the number of pages viewed on this site.  I don’t  have to maintain tons of pages for the all the stores in the database but just a simple XML file. That also means anyone who has info can easily add more stores without having to know HTML or programming.